Journeys of the mind

I have always been drawn to the shamanic practice of journeying – as you may find from reading older blog posts. More recently I am drawn to the shamanic practice and constructs of the three worlds that is upper world middle world and lower world. The lower world I have met a spirit mouse a rather different character from myself, very brave and yet tiny. I intend to venture more here with the aide of a shamanic 4 beat drum and some quiet…

It is easy in this life not to write your mind, to in fact not live but work sleep and eat and *survive* and forget that eventually death will come so one may surmise we are not here to survive, we are here to live. I have been prey to the silliness therein of *survival* and not entirely doing what I want to do.

Journeying can be done in many many ways. I’ve another piece on rocking to drift the spirit out of body. I found the shamanic practice of the 4 beat drum quite effective – essentially the drum beats regularly 4 beats and if your mind drifts you can bring to to the drum again. Don’t try thing lying on a ant path or in a field of mosquitos etc. You begin consciously with one quest for example to meet a friendly guide. So you drift of and ask that one question to all and any beings that appear while you in the state. In some cases the creature cannot speak but you will get a positive sign.

The danger is to let the ego mess with your thoughts. So be sure and be circumspect in what you experience.

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